The Mound Builders, de Lanford Wilson
The Other Place, de Sharr White
The Physicists, de Friedrich Dürrenmatt
The Proof Stage, de Steve Abbott
The Radiant, de Shirley Lauro
The Recantation of Galileo Galilei – Scenes from History Perhaps, de Eric Bentley
The Ruby Sunrise, de Rinne Groff
The Science of Shakespeare – A new look at the playwright’s universe, de Dan Falk
The Sequence, de Paul Mullin
The Talking Cure, de Christopher Hampton
The Tragedy of Edward Teller, de István Hargittai
The Virtuoso, de Thomas Shadwell
The Wider Earth, de David Morton
Theatre About Science
Theatre and Evolution from Ibsen to Beckett, de Kirsten E. Shepherd-Barr
Theatre of Chaos – Beyond Absurdism, Into Orderly Disorder, William W. Demastes
Thousand Years Waiting and Other Plays, de Chiori Miyagawa
Théatres du XXIe siècle: commencements, de Julie Sermon e Jean-Pierre Ryngaert
Tigri e Teoremi – Scrivere teatro e scienza, de Maria Rosa Menzio
To the Stars, de Leonid Andreyev
Tomada de Consciência
Tomada de Consciência
Tooth and Claw, de Michael Hollinger
Touca de natação: Asn Ala Tyr Lys Lys Gly Glu
Transit of Venus, de Maureen Hunter
Traviata Periódica
Traviata Periódica